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Php Support Ticket Script

Features of Php Support Ticket Script

This is a simple customer support system.
This system can generate a html file or edit a generated html file.
Admin panel
  1. Upload Images
  • Images required for the html files (to be generated) can be uploaded here.
  • Thumbnail image will also be generated.
  • Admin can specify the width and height for both thumbnail image and large image.

Generating & Editing Files
A default html template file will be present for each category (place the html file under the corresponding category folder).
  1. Generate Files
    To generate a html file admin should choose a category. Once he has chosen a category , he will be shown a page in which all the image variables can be seen with a pulldown list of the uploaded images and text variables can be seen with a textarea.
    He has to choose images from the pulldown list and enter text in the text areas provided.
    He should give a name for the file to be generated and click on the button.
    Html file with all these images and text will be generated and stored under the corresponding category folder.
  2. Edit Files Editing generated files is similar to that of generating files.
Here he can choose template file either old template file or the default template file.
Old template file refers to the default template file present when the file was generated.

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