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Php Pilots Airlines Database Script

Features of Php Pilots Airlines Database Script

This project is to create a login page for pilots to access the site and to add, edit and delete pilot details with pilot search capability. Similarly airlines were also added and assigned to different pilots. Flight search option is also placed to search based on destination and flight name.


On the Home page there will be links for HOME, FLIGHT SEARCH, and RESOURCE. On this HOME PAGE under the banner there will a login statement "If you are a Pilot, please click here to login". On clicking the link, the pilot will be redirected to a LOGIN page where they have to enter their username and password . Once validated, the user will get a message stating that they are logged in. Error message will be displayed for invalid username/ password.

After login, the pilot will be given options to "Add a Pilot", "Look up Pilots", and "Look up Airlines". The "Add a Pilot" form contains Last Name, First Name, MI, Address, Phone, Email, Username, Password. Options will be placed to edit and delete pilot informations if necessary. To "Add Airline", pilot should just add the name of the airline and submit.

A form will be given for assigning pilots to flights. The pilot should enter the airline name(pulldown list), landing and starting time of flight, pilots(pulldown list of all pilots stored in the database) and destination. On submitting, the above entries will be stored in the database.

When pilot clicks "Flight search" in the site, he will be given options to search by flightname and destination. The Search engine will have 3 separate parts
  • The Criteria page
  • The List page
  • The Detail page
The Criteria page will allow pilots/passengers to enter their search criteria for available flights. The search criteria are flightname and destination.
The List page will list all of the matching results that are in the database, the flight number will be a link to more detail about it.
The Detail page will list all of the known information about the flight.

Links to flight manufacturers and corresponding sites will be provided for the passengers who select "Resource" in the homepage. The details regarding Flight manufacturers and links will be added in the administrator interface

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