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Php auto parts script

Features of Php auto parts exchange script

This is a php mysql auto parts buy sell exchange database management application for buying and selling car parts. It connects the buyer and the seller online.

Site Administrator or the Master admin is authorized to add or modify the products information.


  1. Ability to register themselves as users.
  2. Ability to add new items for sale and buy the items added by other users.
  3. Manage feedbacks- can view the feedbacks on his/her items.
  4. Ability to edit his/her account information.
  5. Ability to view, edit and delete the parts added.
  6. Ability to view the pending and accepted offers on their parts and other members parts.
  7. Ability to view a summary of selling history and buying history
  8. Ability to get the offers from sellers and reply to their mail.
  9. Ability to get the offers from buyers and reply to them.


  1. .Manage Manufacturers- can add, edit and delete manufacturers. They are the manufacturers of the car parts.
  2. Manage users -can add, edit and delete the users. Search on users is also available.
  3. Can block the message that contains abusive words. Those words that are to be restricted are managed by the admin.
  4. Manage messages- Ability to view and delete the messages transferred between the buyers and the sellers.

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