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Php Dedicated servers review script

Features of Php Dedicated servers review script

This is a dedicated servers daabase management PPC pay per click search engine dedicated for dedicated server search.

Site Administrator or the Master admin is authorized to add or modify the advertisements information.


  1. Ability to manage users- Can view, add, edit and delete the users information.
  2. Can add admin listings.
  3. Ability to approve the newly submitted and updated listings.
  4. Ability to send mails to all the users at a time.
  5. Ability to set the amounts and special offers like discounts,bonus and coupons for advertising.
  6. Ability to track his login information. The login time and the ip address from which the admin logs in is tracked.

  1. This is basically a pay per click search engine dedicated specifically for hosting companies.
  2. Users can list their urls and add funds to their amount balance and their bids for that listing.
  3. Users can view the top 10 bid while managing bids and can choose their's to be the top most if they wish so.
  4. They could also view their current bid 's rank . Mysql database queries was used here to find the rank of one's bid.
  5. The users can also view the statistics either as general reports in a table format or in a graphical format. For the graphical report a bar chart image was created which made use of GD library and IMAGE functions were manipulated to create the bar chart.
  6. Installation of the GD and its required modules were done by us using root access.
  7. There is a search panel available which displays the highest bids at the top followed by other listings in descending order of their bids.

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