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Perl search script programmers

Features of Perl search script

Mysql database for holding the search keywords relating to the particular links was designed. This was one of the early perl mysql cgi projects that our perl programmers programmed. The mysql table fields contained a column for keywords and another column for urls.
The keywords were matched using "LIKE %%"
The script will search the database for particular keywords and retrieve the link pages.
Perl DBI, DBD mysql modules were used to build up this compact perl mysql site search engine.

Since It was a new/fresh server Mysql, DBI, DBD::Mysql, Datadumper, egcc - the compiler itself, of course gunzip ( since it was solaris) were needed to be installed and compiled from scratch. Installing the software(perl modules etc) was particularly interesting since the dependency list was also long. Our perl programmers completed this project.

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