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Visual Basic programmers for property management application

Features of Visual Basic property management application

About the Project :

This Visual Basic vba ms access database programming project deals with the selling of real estate properties. This vb application serves as a front-end to maintain the database and performing various operation on the data.

About the ms access Project :

The various features of this vba access application are
  1. It contains a list of properties like Land, house , Restaurant, Hotel , Industry, etc., which are ready for Sale or could given for Rent or Lease.
  2. New property could be added to the list of existing ones. Before Adding the application will check with the database for the existence of the property. If existing it will ask for the users approval to add.
  3. Records can be deleted from the database if not required also can be edited.
  4. Various Search operations can be performed on the data's to filter them based on the user's requirement. Search could be performed based on the
    1. Property type
    2. Property Status(Availability)
    3. Available for(Sale or Rent or lease)
    4. Address of the property

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